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Ultra High Vacuum System

Resources Thursday, 14 February 2019 16:28

Surface characterization techniques: XPS/ UPS/ EELS

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface analysis technique capable of providing elemental and chemical state information from the outer 5 to 12 nanometres of a solid surface. All elements can be detected with detection limits in the 0.1 to 0.5 atomic percent.

AIXTRON BlackMagic

Resources Thursday, 14 February 2019 16:28

CVD synthesis of graphene, like magic!

Production of high quality CVD graphene with in-house customized procedures. The end product fulfills a variety of our requirements for large-scale graphene samples.

Accelerated Environmental Ageing Chamber

Resources Thursday, 14 February 2019 16:27

Custom made Ageing Chamber

Our Enviromental Aging Chamber is a 1x1x1 m3 PMMA construction able to simulate a wide combination of enviromental UV/RH/T conditions.


Research Monday, 04 February 2019 07:58

The GRAFEL research project focuses on graphene-based flexible electronics and aims promote the field to a level of maturity that accompanies establishing procedures for (a) the adjustment of material properties by design, (b) the chemical synthesis of components, and (c) rudimental device fabrication as proof of concept.

Our vision for implementing this project has been primarily driven by the requirement of cheaper, large-area electronic devices that can be integrated on flexible substrates through low-temperature deposition or solution-based printing methods. The great challenge in the area would be to surpass the respective disadvantages of inorganic and organic semiconducting materials for use in flexible electronics and design new materials that combine their advantages, namely controllable electronic properties as well as mechanical conformability. From a device design perspective, such materials will also lead to minimization of contact issues (heat dissipation, contact resistance) associated with the interface which exists when multiple materials are combined.

Postdoctoral Research Position Opening

Jobs Thursday, 31 January 2019 07:20

A new position has opened in our group for a Postdoctoral Researcher specialized on Organic Chemical Synthesis.
The scope of the position is "Synthesis and characterization of new nanomaterials through chemical functionalization of graphene and its oxidized products.".

Our group members Emmanuel Klontzas and Ioannis Skarmoutsos will attend the 12th PanHellenic Scientific Conference on Chemical Engineering that will take place in Athens, Greece between 29–31 May 2019.
We look forward to this event, to present our latest research and discussing with other research groups and colleagues, and even establishing new collaborations.

New Group Member - Ioannis Skarmoutsos

News Thursday, 31 January 2019 07:00

We welcome the newest member of our Research Group, Ioannis Skarmoutsos.
Ioannis has a strong background on molecular modelling and ab initio quantum chemistry methods on a wide range of molecular systems. He is an established researcher and has handled several research project of his own. His exceptional research experience will be a great asset to us and has much to offer to our, now common, goals of the GRAFEL project.

(Evaluation results announcement FORTH/ICEHT 3487/27.12.2018 posted on Diavgeia ΑΔΑ: 9Ψ5Ω469ΗΚΥ-Δ17)

George Froudakis

Staff Sunday, 12 December 2021 11:45

George Froudakis is Professor and head of the Chemistry Department of the University of Crete. He is the author of more than 140 publications in high quality international peer-reviewed journals including publications in NanoLetters, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm. and recently in Nature Comp. Mat. His published work has received more than 7000 citations and his h-index is 43 (Goggle scholar). He has also published 3 monographs in international Journals, 2 in NanoLetters (if.~10) and 1 invited in Materials Today (if.~11)  he has given more than 50 invited talks in conferences and institutions. He is also holding of 1 international and 1 Greek patent. He has coordinated 10 European and Greek research project and participate in 16 more with a total budget of over 2Μ€. He is in the board of directors of the Greek Hydrogen Platform and a Founding member of the Greek National Science & Innovation Foundation. He had supervised 9 PhD and 9 MSc thesis.

His research activities are focused on designing, modelling and investigating properties of nanostructures and porous materials for Energy, Environment and Health applications. He has broad experience in modelling nanomaterials. Multi-scale computational techniques are developed in–house and used for simulating large systems. Most simulations are based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Monte Carlo methodology. In addition, his group has considerable experience in high–accuracy ab–initio techniques (MP2–4, CC, CAS–SCF, MRDCI) for the study of structural, bonding, electronic and spectroscopic properties of molecules and clusters. Recently, a new computational methodology for large-scale screening of materials with the use of Machine Learning algorithms (ML) was developed.

Ioannis Skarmoutsos

Staff Tuesday, 29 January 2019 07:46

My specialization is in the field of the computational modelling (using classical and quantum molecular simulations) and rational design of porous materials and green sustainable solvents used in several chemical and industrial processes.

During my research studies I have obtained significant experience in computational chemistry and molecular modeling techniques. My post-doctoral work at several prestigious European Institutes (Imperial College London, University College London, Technical University of Barcelona, CEA-Grenoble, University of Montpellier, University

of Sassari) has helped me to develop several skills and gain significant experience on computational modeling techniques in chemistry-materials science and scientific code development. I have been also trained to use High Performance Computing facilities and I was a recipient of the HPC-Europa fellowship on 2012 and 2018, in order to use the supercomputing facilities of CINECA and Mare Nostrum (BSC-Barcelona) to perform extensive ab initio molecular dynamics studies on porous materials, battery electrolytes and aqueous systems.

I have been an active user of several European and International Supercomputing facilities (Jülich Germany, Mare Nostrum Barcelona, Fermi-CINECA, Titan-USA, ARIS Greece) and have obtained significant experience in using Unix-Linux multiprocessor clusters, compiling parallel computational chemistry applications and successfully working with them. At the same time, I am an active reviewer of scientific proposals in order to use the High-Performance Computing Facilities (ARIS supercomputer) of the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET).

In my research studies, I have mainly employed molecular dynamics simulation techniques and statistical mechanical theories. My research work on pure supercritical fluids has revealed new important information about the nature of density inhomogeneities in these systems, which is a key factor in understanding the peculiarities in their physicochemical properties. Special attention has been given to the investigation of the properties of supercritical CO2 and water. My work at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) has also contributed towards a better understanding of the properties of aqueous ionic solutions via abi initio molecular dynamics techniques. My research at Imperial College focused on the understanding of the properties of new alternative green solvents like ionic liquids and alternative refrigerants.

Emmanuel Klontzas

Staff Tuesday, 29 January 2019 07:44

Dr. Emmanuel Klontzas received his B.S. and M.S. at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Ioannina, Hellas and completed his PhD at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Crete, Hellas (2009). He is currently an Associate Researcher in Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute at the National Hellenic Research Foundation. His research focus on the design and computational modeling of nanoporous materials including Open Framework Materials, Zeolites and Carbon based nanostructures for energy and environmental applications.